How to Lower Monthly Bills by Improving Your Home Insulation

How to Lower Monthly Bills by Improving Your Home Insulation

how to lower monthly bills

By many estimates, the heating and cooling systems in your home account for anywhere between a half and two-thirds of your energy bill! When looking to make budget cuts for monthly expenses, the energy bill is a great place to start because there are so many ways to save, especially by improving your home insulation.

Don’t worry, making these changes doesn’t require a skilled handyman! Here are a few pointers on how to lower monthly bills by making changes to your home’s insulation:

Add insulation.

Is your home insulation in good condition yet you still feel chilly during the cold winter months? You may be in need of extra insulation which will not only keep your house at a comfortable temperature, but also lower your monthly bill! Yes, it’s true that the greatest energy savings comes from the first inch of insulation installed, however there is still room to save even more when you add other layers. Try heading up to the attic and adding an extra layer on top of the floor or going down to the basement and sealing the area where the wood meets the concrete.

how to lower monthly bills

Change to a different type of insulation.

Do you know what kind of insulation is in your home? There are a number of different types which have varying levels of insulation measured by their R-values. The greater the R-value, the more insulation the material provides.

  • Batts and Blankets: The most common type of insulation, this is often chosen for do-it-yourself projects because it is easy to transport and install. Batts and blankets insulation can be found in fiberglass, rock wool or cotton, depending on the climate and level of insulation you desire. For example, rock wool tends to foster mold growth when damp, so this would not be an ideal insulation choice for humid climates.
  • Loose Fill: These strands of fiber are blasted into spaces using a designated machine, which means if you plan on doing this by yourself, you’ll need to look into renting the proper equipment. This type of insulation comes in fiberglass or cellulose materials, with fiberglass typically being used solely in ceilings.
  • Spray Foam: Many homes in cold weather climates choose this option over the Batts and Blankets insulation because of its higher R-value. This form of insulation is applied as a liquid but then slowly expands to fill all empty space and prevent any air leaks. The downside? This insulation needs to be done by a professional, so don’t tackle this task on your own.

Remember the hot water tank.

Unless your home has a tankless water heater, insulating your hot water tank can lead to big savings on your monthly bills. Similar to insulating your walls or roof, this quick and easy fix will help improve energy efficiency and reduce the loss of heat.

Want to learn how to lower monthly bills by insulating your tank? Simply visit a hardware store to purchase an insulation blanket and heavy duty tape. Once the hot water tank has been turned off, wrap the blanket around the tank and tape it firmly in place.

Remember, when you’re on a mission to figure out how to lower your monthly bills, insulation is not the only way, but it is the best way to get quick and easy results! Find out if your insulation is effective with a home energy audit.
