Clean Up On Savings with Energy-Efficient Stackable Washer and Dryers

Clean Up On Savings with Energy-Efficient Stackable Washer and Dryers

Energy-efficient appliances can do the same job with less energy. Homeowners reap the reward in utility savings, and these appliances also decrease the homeowner’s carbon footprint. What about homeowners who live in a smaller space, though? Are there energy-efficient appliances designed for smaller condos and homes?

Stackable washers and dryers offer a space-saving option for homeowners who don’t have room for these appliances to be positioned side by side. Energy-efficient stackable washers and dryers also can help homeowners clean up on their savings.

Energy-efficient stackable washers and dryers can be appealing for all homeowners, though. These appliances:

  • Fit in narrow spaces
  • Are sometimes lower in cost
  • Many offer front-loading ease of access
  • Provide energy savings

How Much Energy Do Energy-Efficient Stackable Washer and Dryers Save?

Stackable washers and dryers that are marked with the ENERGY STAR label use less energy than the standard option. However, ENERGY STAR doesn’t offer separate data for stackable energy-efficient washers and dryers versus the side-by-side energy-efficient models.

ENERGY STAR explains that energy-efficient washers use a quarter less energy and one-third less water than traditional models.  In addition, the site states that if everyone in the U.S. opted for an ENERGY STAR dryer, “…Americans could save more than $1.5 billion each year in utility costs and prevent greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those from more than 2 million vehicles.”

Energy-Efficient Stackable Washer and Dryers

How Much Do Stackable Energy-Efficient Washers and Dryers Cost?

Like many appliances, stackable energy-efficient washers and dryers vary in cost. This could depend on size and/or brand. Some models are less than $1,000, while others cost about $3,000.

However, the stackable options could be less expensive than larger side-by-side models. In addition, those living in smaller spaces might need to select smaller stackable units, which could be more budget friendly.

Energy-Efficient Stackable Washer and Dryers

The Space-Saving Benefits of Stackable Washers and Dryers

One of the biggest benefits of stackable energy-efficient washers and dryers is that they take up vertical space—not horizontal space. For homeowners who are living in a smaller condo or just a smaller home, these units could be much more accommodating.

Homeowners do need to measure their vertical space to ensure that they choose the right size units, though. Measure the space twice just to be sure of the measurements.

When shopping for stackable washers and dryers look at the dimensions and compare them with the space. Homeowners also should measure the depth of their space and compare this to the units they wish to purchase.

Nothing is more frustrating than ordering an appliance only to discover that it doesn’t fit. Again, measure the space twice to avoid any errors.

Front-Loading Convenience also is a Perk

Many energy-efficient stackable washers and dryers also feature front-loading designs. This can be an added benefit for homeowners.

Front-loading designs mean that homeowners don’t have to bend over the washer to unload and load the clothes. For homeowners who have mobility limitations, front-loading washers and dryers might let homeowners do their laundry sitting and standing.

Front-loading washers also traditionally use less water than top-loading models. This is part of the energy-savings of more efficient models, too. Homeowners also might discover that their clothes are cleaner; this is due to the way that front loading washers tumble the clothes (a bit like the dryer).

Stackable Washers and Dryers Aren’t Ideal for All Spaces

While stackable washers and dryers can fit in more compact spaces, these appliances aren’t ideal for all homes. Some condos or laundry rooms don’t offer the vertical space for the placement of stackable units. A laundry room or space also could be designed for side-by-side appliances.

However, homeowners might evaluate their space to see if stackable appliances could work for them. Homeowners might like the convenience of front loading appliances, or the stackable design might be easier for them to access.

Measure the height of the space and compare it to a product’s dimensions. In addition, homeowners might check outlets and hookups to ensure these appliances can work in their space.

Energy-Efficient Stackable Washer and Dryers

How to Maintain the Energy Efficiency of Stackable Units

While energy-efficient stackable washers and dryers offer maximum energy efficiency, homeowners also should maintain their appliances to maximize their savings and help make their washers and dryers more energy efficient. For dryers, keep the lint trap clear and schedule routine dryer vent maintenance to clear out the vent. A clogged dryer vent can be a fire hazard.

Opt to wash clothes in the coldest temperature possible. However, some stains and grime require hot water to effectively kill harmful bacteria and help remove stains.

Homeowners also should wash only full loads of laundry. While energy-efficient washers use less water, half loads are a waste of water and energy.

Stackable energy-efficient washers and dryers can be a space-saving option for homeowners who need to fit their appliances into a tighter area. These appliances also can lower energy costs and help homeowners clean up on monthly savings.
